BIO - A minha história
Juventude, Universidade e primeira experiência profissional
Regresso ao Algarve e mudança de carreira
Após constituir família, decidi mudar-me para Portimão onde tive uma experiência profissional enriquecedora na área da Apicultura.
Aproveitando o meu conhecimento científico, a minha experiência profissional e a minha paixão por tecnologia (um hobbie até então), decidi mudar de carreira, realizando formações “formais” e online na área dos Sistemas de Informação, orientando os meus estudos para o Desenvolvimento Web e Marketing Digital.
Durante esse período “sabático”, o mundo parou devido à grande pandemia do século XXI e os meus planos de empreendedorismo foram remetido para 2º plano. Nesse espaço de tempo, continuei a apostar na minha formação e atuei como Freelancer para ganhar experiência no campo de batalha.
Com a retoma económica, tornei-me Consultor de Marketing Digital e co-fundei a Webtop – Agência de Marketing Digital, onde atualmente sou Gestor de Projetos.
Quando não estou a desenvolver um Negócio Online ou a estudar, gosto de: ver cinema, ouvir prog rock/metal e podcasts, caminhar ou ver desenhos animados muitas vezes coagido!.
Qual a é minha ocupação atual?
Empreendedor Digital
Empreendedor Digital
Desenvolvedor Web
Desenvolvedor Web
Consultor em Marketing Digital e Negócios Online
Consultor de Marketing Digital
Impulsionador de Negócios
Impulsionador de Negócios
Como atuo?
Percurso Profissional
Contactando de perto com os Empreendedores da região do Algarve, percebi que havia uma carência na oferta das Agência Digitais da região e decidi fundar a Webtop – Agência de Marketing Digital, onde sou Gestor de Projetos.
Após completar várias formações na área digital e contactar com Empreendedores Algarvios, comecei a prestar Consultoria orientada à ação, realizando Intervenções Técnicas e o devido Acompanhamento Estratégico.
Depois de completar a minha formação formal na área digital em Portimão, realizei um estágio profissional com Bruno José. Mais do que um educador, Bruno tem sido desde então um mentor na minha jornada profissional.
Após mudar-me para Portimão, fui funcionário em uma empresa de Apicultura. Esta foi uma experiência muito enriquecedora, onde tive oportunidade de conhecer melhor o lado rural do Algarve e do Baixo Alentejo.
Durante um mandato, tive a oportunidade de constituir a assembleia da freguesia onde passei a minha infância e juventude.
Após terminar o Mestrado em Engenharia do Ambiente, voltei aos Açores e tive a oportunidade de entrar no quadros da MUSAMI. Nessa fase, desenvolvi as minhas competências em gestão ambiental, trabalho de equipa, liderança, gestão de bases de dados, tratamento e análise de dados.
Durante as férias de Verão tive várias experiências renumeradas pelo Governo Regional dos Açores, das quais destaco: Instrutor de música (iniciação), Monitor de ATL, Funcionário na Casa de Povo etc.
- Full web development (Udemy, 109 h)
- Fundamentals of Digital Marketing (Google Digital Workshop, 40 h)
- Google Data Analytics (Google/Coursera, 178 h)
- Google IT Support (Google/Coursera, 138 h)
- Google Project Management (Google/Coursera, 137 h)
- Google Tag Manager Fundamentals (Google Analytics Academy, 6 h)
- Master Degree in Environmental Engineering (Ualg, 8400 h)
- Specialist Technician in Information Systems Technologies and Programming (Iefp, 1400 h)
- Agile Project Management (Google/Coursera, 22 h)
- Analyze Data to Answer Questions (Google/Coursera, 26 h)
- Capstone: Applying Project Management in the Real World (Google/Coursera, 33 h)
- Data Analysis with R Programming (Google/Coursera, 37 h)
- Foundations of User Experience (UX) Design (Google/Coursera, 25 h)
- Google Data Analytics (Google/Coursera, 178 h)
- Google Data Analytics Capstone: Complete a Case Study (Google/Coursera, 8 h)
- Google Project Management (Google/Coursera, 137 h)
- JavaScript – Complete course with real projects (Udemy, 38.5 h)
- Login with validation and flash messages (PHP) (Udemy, 24 h)
- Prepare Data for Exploration (Google/Coursera, 23 h)
- Process Data from Dirty to Clean (Google/Coursera, 22 h)
- Share Data Through the Art of Visualization (Google/Coursera, 24 h)
- Administration of IT Infrastructure Systems and Services (Google/Coursera, 30 h)
- Advanced Google Analytics (Google Analytics Academy, 6 h)
- Ask Questions to Make Data-Driven Decisions (Google/Coursera, 18 h)
- Estrutura e Funcionamento das Redes de Computadores (Google/Coursera, 25 h)
- Foundations of Project Management (Google/Coursera, 15 h)
- Foundations: Data, Data, Everywhere (Google/Coursera, 20 h)
- Google Analytics for Beginners (Google Analytics Academy, 6 h)
- Google Analytics for Power Users (Google Analytics Academy, 5 h)
- Google IT Support (Google/Coursera, 138 h)
- Google Tag Manager Fundamentals (Google Analytics Academy, 6 h)
- Introduction to Data Studio (Google Analytics Academy, 5 h)
- IT Security: Defense Against the Dark Arts of the Digital World (Google/Coursera, 26 h)
- Operating Systems and You: Becoming a Power User (Google/Coursera, 34 h)
- Project Execution: Running the Project (Google/Coursera, 23 h)
- Project Initiation: Starting a Successful Project (Google/Coursera, 19 h)
- Project Planning: Putting It All Together (Google/Coursera, 25 h)
- Specialist Technician in Information Systems Technologies and Programming (Iefp, 1400 h)
- Technical Support Fundamentals (Google/Coursera, 23 h)
- All The Way CSS: The complete CSS adventure (Udemy, 5.5 h)
- Android development beginner (Udemy, 7.5 h)
- Basic Java (Loiane Training, 30 h)
- Become a HTML and CSS developer – Build a responsive site (Udemy, 2 h)
- Become an Android Developer from Scratch (Udemy, 12.5 h)
- Beginner HTML and CSS (Udemy, 5.5 h)
- Beginner PHP and MySQL Tutorial (Udemy, 10.5 h)
- Bootstrap 4: Code Modern Responsive Websites (Udemy, 4 h)
- Bootstrap v4.3 Fast Crash course (Udemy, 0.3 h)
- Bootstrap Website Design From Scratch (Udemy, 0.5 h)
- Build CRUD Application – PHP & Mysql (Udemy, 1.5 h)
- Build Your First Website in 1 Week with HTML and CSS (Udemy, 3 h)
- C# Sololearn (Solo Learn, 8 h)
- Complete Bootstrap 4 course (Udemy, 5 h)
- Connect with customers over mobile (Google Digital Workshop, 1 h)
- Construct your site in WordPress in a fast and simple way (Udemy, 0.5 h)
- Create a complete site (Elementor e WordPress) (Udemy, 1 h)
- Creation of dynamic web pages with PHP (Udemy, 2 h)
- CSS flexbox – Mastering the basics (Udemy, 1.5 h)
- CSS Fundamentals course (Solo Learn, 8 h)
- CSS in web development (Udemy, 3 h)
- CSS: Zero to Hero in CSS by Styling a Website from Scratch (Udemy, 6.5 h)
- Expand a business to other countries (Google Digital Workshop, 1 h)
- Foundations of Front-End Web Development (Udemy, 21 h)
- Full web development (Udemy, 109 h)
- Fundamentals of Digital Marketing (Google Digital Workshop, 40 h)
- Fundamentals of Programming: Understanding C# (Udemy, 10.5 h)
- Get a businesss online (Google Digital Workshop, 3 h)
- Git & GitHub Crash Course: Create a Repository From Scratch! (Udemy, 1 h)
- How install WordPress (Udemy, 0.5 h)
- How To Build And Make A WordPress Website From Scratch (Udemy, 2.5 h)
- How To Make A Website With WordPress – Divi Theme (Udemy, 3.5 h)
- How to Set Up a Self-Hosted WordPress Website (Udemy, 0.5 h)
- HTML and CSS for Beginners – Build a Website & Launch Online (Udemy, 6 h)
- HTML for beginners (Udemy, 2.5 h)
- HTML the first step for absolute beginners (Udemy, 3.5 h)
- HTML tutorial (Udemy, 2 h)
- Install WordPress on Computer using XAMPP (Udemy, 0.5 h)
- Introduction to computer programing (Udemy, 2 h)
- Introduction to CSS (Udemy, 2 h)
- Introduction to HTML (Udemy, 1.5 h)
- Introduction to Javascript (Udemy, 1 h)
- Introduction to Linux (Udemy, 0.5 h)
- Introduction to MySQL database (Udemy, 0.5 h)
- Introduction to Python (Udemy, 2 h)
- Introduction To Python Programming (Udemy, 1.5 h)
- Introduction to web development: HTML (Udemy, 3 h)
- Java – Tutorial course (Solo Learn, 8 h)
- Java Programming Basics (Udemy, 3 h)
- Java Tutorial for Complete Beginners (Udemy, 16 h)
- JavaScript – Tutorial course (Solo Learn, 8 h)
- Javascript Essentials (Udemy, 6.5 h)
- jQuery – Tutorial course (Solo Learn, 8 h)
- Laravel Homestead (Udemy, 2 h)
- Learn how create sites in WordPress from sratch (Udemy, 1 h)
- Learn HTML & CSS: How To Start Your Web Development Career (Udemy, 4.5 h)
- Learn HTML and CSS with fun for beginners (Udemy, 4.5 h)
- Learn PHP – The Complete Guide (Udemy, 1 h)
- Learn what’s new in PHP 7 (Udemy, 3.5 h)
- Linux Terminal (Udemy, 1 h)
- Make sure customers find you online (Google Digital Workshop, 3 h)
- Master the Basics of HTML & CSS: Beginner web development (Udemy, 3 h)
- Master the WordPress Gutenberg editor (Udemy, 1 h)
- Mastering basic CSS selectors (Udemy, 3 h)
- Mastering CSS 3 Selectors (Udemy, 2 h)
- Nuxt.js – Blazing Fast Static Sites with Vue.js (Udemy, 1 h)
- Omnistack 11: Node, React and React Native (Rocketseat, 10 h)
- PHP – Programming Language (Girafee Academy, 5 h)
- PHP – Tutorial course (Solo Learn, 8 h)
- PHP For WordPress Development (Udemy, 1 h)
- PHP object oriented language (Udemy, 1 h)
- PHP with MySQL- Procedural Part 5 (Udemy, 5 h)
- Practical PHP: Master the Basics and Code Dynamic Websites (Udemy, 6.5 h)
- Practical Understanding of PHP and MySQL (Udemy, 5.5 h)
- Programming with Python : Hands On Introduction for Beginners (Udemy, 3.5 h)
- Promote a business with content (Google Digital Workshop, 3 h)
- Promote a business with online advertising (Google Digital Workshop, 3 h)
- Python – From beginner to winner (Udemy, 3 h)
- Python 3 (Solo Learn, 8 h)
- Python 3 for beginners (Udemy, 6 h)
- Python Best Parts: Standard Library (Beginner to Advanced) (Udemy, 0.5 h)
- Python for Absolute Beginners (Udemy, 3 h)
- Python for Absolute Beginners (Udemy, 2.5 h)
- Python for Beginners (Udemy, 2.5 h)
- Python for beginners (Udemy, 10.5 h)
- React vs Angular vs Vue.js by Example (Udemy, 3.5 h)
- SAP Data Intelligence for Enterprise AI OpenSAP (Open SAP, 6 h)
- Sending Mail in PHP using PHP mailer (Udemy, 1.5 h)
- SQL Beginner to Guru: MySQL Edition – Master SQL with MySQ (Udemy, 11 h)
- SQL Fundamentals course (Solo Learn, 8 h)
- The Essential Android O Developer Course (Java) (Udemy, 39 h)
- The Ultimate Vue 2 Crash Course – Learn by Example (Udemy, 1 h)
- Understand customers needs and online behaviours (Google Digital Workshop, 1 h)
- Understand the basics of code (Google Digital Workshop, 1 h)
- Vue Samurai: Domine os conceitos do VueJS (Udemy, 2 h)
- Vue.js – Complete Course For Beginners (Udemy, 1.5 h)
- Vue.js Fast Crash Course (Udemy, 2.5 h)
- Vue.js for Beginners: Up and Running with Vue (Udemy, 2 h)
- Web design for web developers: Build beautiful websites (Udemy, 3 h)
- Web Development – Complete Fast Track Course (Udemy, 29.5 h)
- Web Development By Doing: HTML / CSS From Scratch (Udemy, 1 h)
- 3º degree of music conservatory (Ponta Delgada Music Conservatory)
- Archive Organizations and Techniques (Empresa Arquivo Documental, 3.5 h)
- First aid and basic life support (Norma Açores, 32 h)
- Integrated Quality, Environment and Safety Management System (Ahptus, 7 h)
- Introduction to self-protection measures and fire-fighting equipment (Competir Açores, 12 h)
- Master Degree in Environmental Engineering (UALG, 8400 h)
- Non-compliance and complaints management process (MUSAMI, 2 h)
- Portuguese Driver License: Category B (J. Amaral, 60 h)
- Professional training in Environmental Law and Safety (Ahptus, 24 h)
- Public procurement code (Norma Açores, 21 h)
- Seminars in the area of environment and beekeeping
- Systematization of management system practices in GSE (ANO, 4 h)
- Systematization of management system practices in Iso Tools (Ahptus, 8 h)
- Systematization of management system practices in SPAT (Cachapuz, 3.5 h)
- Training of the Pumping System for the Fire Fighting System in Buildings (MUSAMI, 1 h)
Algumas etapas da minha vida
Outros interesses:
Prog rock/metal
Chá preto/café
Linux/Open Source
Bem estar
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Ajudo Empreendedores e Empresas que querem ter um Negócio Online profissional.
Não interessa se já estás no mercado à vários anos ou ainda não abriste atividade.
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